Botany Barn – Where has the Babbling Botanist Been!?

logo with bb-01

Hey Babbling Botanist readers! It’s been a really quiet winter from me on the blog, and I am excited to let you in on one of the reasons why. This winter I spent a good chunk of time on my other hobby (OK one of my other hobbies, it seems I have a lot these days), and turned it into a bit of a side business. I’ve been busy soap making this winter and I’ve opened a store on Etsy called Botany Barn, where I am selling handmade goodies like soaps, lip balms, and other handmade cosmetics that I will gradually be adding to my product lines. In line with my love of homegrown organic foods and preservation, I make Botany Barn products with almost entirely organic ingredients, natural colorants and scents, and make products that are not only good for you, but good for the planet. It has been so much fun getting this going, and I wanted to let you all in on it and also give a shout out to my Uncle Scott who named the store, and my friend Laura who made the awesome logo! Who knows if Botany Barn will take off, but it certainly kept me sane during the ecology and preservation off-season. 🙂 I hope to get back into blogging this summer though (between running Botany Barn and working as a Field Ecologist!) But anyways, if you are interested in where I’ve been this winter, check out!

Here are some of the things I currently have available:

Three pack of small soaps. I really enjoyed taking adorable photos!

3 small 1

The five different soaps I’m starting off with. From left to right: Butter Me Up!, Lavender, Peppermint, Nude, and Let’s Face It!

3 small 3

Butter Me Up!

3 small 4

Charcoal facial soap

Face 1


Lavender 3


mint 1


Nude 2

Five lip balm flavours!

lip balms

Thanks for sticking around during my absence, and you’ll hear from me again soon!

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